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I stumbled upon bitcoin in 2011 after hearing about it on the evening news, I tried to buy some bitcoin but the process was too confusing, involving wiring money to Japan and not to mention I had no idea what a bitcoin wallet was. Eventually, I decided it wasn't worth the hassle.
Fast forward to 2013, while assisting at Ark Army Surplus, the first retail store in Toronto to accept Bitcoin, I found myself with ample free time to immerse myself in the world of cryptocurrency. Discovering the underlying blockchain technology sparked my imagination not only about its potential to revolutionize society and redefine our concept of money but also its potential for making money.
Mining bitcoin caught my attention. With a background in computer principles and a keen interest in technology, I decided to give it a shot. I bought several graphics cards and set up a mining rig in my apartment. Initially, I enjoyed the active involvement in the bitcoin community and the prospect of accumulating cryptocurrency. However, the noisy and energy-intensive nature of the process led me to shift gears in 2015, opting to buy bitcoin on exchanges instead. I experimented with different platforms like CA Vertex, Quadriga, Coinsquare, and Bitfinex.
My interest expanded beyond bitcoin, delving into other cryptocurrencies like XRP, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Profits flowed in from these trades, but come 2020 I could see clearly that Bitcoin was the future and everything else was a scam or just gambling at best. I decided to go all-in on bitcoin. Armed with knowledge about security and safe storage methods, I felt confident in my ability to guide others.
Educating people about the fundamentals of Bitcoin is one of my passions, even though many are primarily interested in quick financial gains, I get it. As an early adopter I'm familiar with all the stages people typically experience with Bitcoin. I've assisted numerous individuals by answering their queries and donating funds to their bitcoin wallets for practical, hands-on learning, which I believe is the most effective way to learn. And while I have extensive knowledge about Bitcoin, I'm continuously learning more.
Among other vocations I have a background in social work, which has provided a unique perspective on Bitcoin. I saw its potential to help those facing financial struggles, just as I had in the past. Many viewed Bitcoin with skepticism, considering it a risky investment and a dubious currency. However, I believed the potential rewards were worth the risk.
This bitcoin journey hasn't all been about making money, it prompted me to educate myself on economics and finance, delving into books like "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell and "Human Action" by Ludwig von Mises and many more. For the first time I learned how to save money, a feat I had struggled with my entire life. I know now that the traditional financial system had played a significant role in demotivating me to work and save.
Bitcoin not only offered the potential for financial security but also brought a newfound sense of empowerment and understanding of the world. As a career truck driver, I never thought I'd have the chance nor the ability to participate in something so life transforming but thanks to bitcoin, my life took a turn for the better and opened up new possibilities.
Beyond finances, my journey with Bitcoin has not only transformed my understanding of decentralized money but has also shaped me into the person I aspired to be—a development I'm sure my friends and loved ones take pride in. Along the way, I’ve become a trusted guide, helping others navigate both the intricacies of Bitcoin and the broader complexities of economics and human action.
Frank Bitcoin
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